La Aurora Boreal se luce desde el espacio

Este artículo, La Aurora Boreal se luce desde el espacio, apareció originalmente en CNET en Español.

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Cuando vives en Minnesota, no hay nada más hermoso que ver las luces de la Aurora Boreal cubriendo una noche estrellada en el norte del estado. Una vista que quizás solo puede ser superada si es vista desde el espacio.

La astronauta de la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA, por sus siglas en inglés), Samantha Cristoforetti, se encuentra a bordo de la Estación Espacial Internacional (ISS, por sus siglas en inglés), como parte de la Expedición 42 y 43. Cristoforetti se tomó un descanso de sus tareas científicas para tomar varias fotos de la Aurora Boreal desde el espacio. Esas imágenes fueron compiladas en un impresionante video de lapso de tiempo para que los que estamos en la Tierra podamos ser testigos de esta belleza con una perspectiva espacial.


No es el primer video que vemos de la Aurora Boreal tomado desde el ISS, pero ver el hermoso show de luces desde esas alturas del cielo, no deja de ser algo especial. Puedes ver las luces en el video de arriba y no te olvides de seguir la página personal de Cristoforetti en el sitio de ESA.

The Northern Lights are on fire again (pictures)

2013 is shaping up to be a memorable time to view the sky spectacle known as the Northern Lights. The lights are the result of electrically charged particles from the sun bouncing into each other as they enter Earth's atmosphere. Also known as the Aurora Borealis in northern latitudes, or the Aurora Australis (or the southern lights), depending upon the pull of the Earth's magnetic field.

The Northern Lights photographed from the International Space Station. Astronaut Mike Hopkins, aboard the ISS, shared this picture on October 9, 2013, saying, "The pic doesn't do the Northern Lights justice. Covered the whole sky. Truly amazing!" To paraphrase the immortal Smokey Robinson, we second that emotion.

Aurora australis over Tasmania, photographed from the International Space Station.

The Northern Lights occur in a circular band around the geomagnetic north pole, otherwise known as the Northern Lights oval. It is a result of the atmosphere shielding the Earth against solar particles which would otherwise make the planet uninhabitable. On their way down toward the geomagnetic poles, the solar particles are stopped by Earth's atmosphere, which acts as an effective shield against these deadly particles. When the solar particles are stopped by the atmosphere, they collide with the atmospheric gases present, and the collision energy between the solar particle and the gas molecule is emitted as a photon -- a light particle. And when you have many such collisions, you have an aurora -- lights that may seem to move across the sky.


In this image, the Aurora Borealis glows in the sky in the Greenland town of Kangerlussuaq.

The Aurora Borealis glows over a lake near the Greenland town of Kangerlussuaq.

This picture shows the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, seen in Tallinn.

A full moon helps illuminate the Alaskan pipeline under the faint glow of the Aurora Borealis near Milne Point, Alaska.

The Aurora Borealis is pictured near the city of Tromsoe, northern Norway.

The Aurora Borealis brightens up the sky at twilight between the towns of Are and Ostersund, Sweden.

The Northern Lights in Abisko, Swedish Lapland.

Swedes watch a display of Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights, in the city of Ostby.