Here's Daniel Sturridge pretending to sign a blank piece of paper that's supposed to be a contract

(Photo by John Powell/Liverpool FC via Getty Images)
(Photo by John Powell/Liverpool FC via Getty Images)

Daniel Sturridge has signed a new "long-term" contract with Liverpool. Maybe. As you can see in the picture released by the club to accompany this news, it appears the striker is about to sign his name to a single blank piece of paper, which is as much a legally binding contract as it is a delicious ice cream cake.

You might think that this was just a dummy page used for the photo and the real contract was actually signed later, but when Steven Gerrard signed his latest contract with the club last year, he was pictured with what appeared to be an actual document with real words on it.

(Photo by John Powell/Liverpool FC via Getty Images)
(Photo by John Powell/Liverpool FC via Getty Images)

Even Kolo Toure got to sign what looked like a real contract.

(Photo by John Powell/Liverpool FC via Getty Images)
(Photo by John Powell/Liverpool FC via Getty Images)

Luis Alberto also got the blank page treatment, though. And now he's on loan at Malaga.

(Photo by Andrew Powell/Liverpool FC via Getty Images)
(Photo by Andrew Powell/Liverpool FC via Getty Images)

So if Sturridge realizes a few months from now that he's getting paid in French onion soup and contractually obligated to reenact the Harry Potter films, he should know why.

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Brooks Peck

is the editor of Dirty Tackle on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him or follow on Twitter!