La saga de logotipos en Visalia termina con la selección de un artista local. “Hemos aprendido mucho”

La artista local Lori Caccamo, la diseñadora detrás del nuevo logotipo de la ciudad de Visalia, recibió un reconocimiento especial el lunes por la noche por parte del ayuntamiento que viene con un premio de $1,500.

“Queremos agradecerles por esta gran obra de arte”, dijo el alcalde Brian Poochigian durante la ceremonia de reconocimiento.

Poochigian agregó que Caccamo y su logotipo ahora son parte de la historia de Visalia.

El diseño de Caccamo fue elegido por unanimidad por el consejo el 15 de julio de cinco logotipos finalistas.

The committee decided on entries No. 7, 34, 35, 56 and 59 at a Monday meeting, and stuck with those five on Wednesday. Public comment will be from July 15 through 5 p.m. on July 26.
The committee decided on entries No. 7, 34, 35, 56 and 59 at a Monday meeting, and stuck with those five on Wednesday. Public comment will be from July 15 through 5 p.m. on July 26.

La portavoz Allison M. Mackey dijo

la ciudad le proporcionará a Caccamo el premio monetario esta semana.

El reconocimiento del lunes a Caccamo pone fin a una saga de dos meses después de una protesta en las redes sociales por un minimalista diseño que forzó al concejo organizar un concurso de arte comunitario que atrajo 87 entradas. A cada uno se le asignó un número para que los nombres de los remitentes permanecieran en el anonimato durante el proceso de rediseño del logotipo.

Debido a la negatividad y el odio por la controversia del logotipo, el consejo le dio al artista la opción si quería permanecer en el anonimato para proteger la seguridad y privacidad del artista.

Local artist Lori Caccamo (third from right), the designer behind the City of Visalia’s new logo, received a special recognition Monday night by city council.
Local artist Lori Caccamo (third from right), the designer behind the City of Visalia’s new logo, received a special recognition Monday night by city council.

Caccamo dijo que no quería permanecer en el anonimato.

“Para las personas que están enojadas,... es un poco decepcionante, pero creo que hemos aprendido mucho; creo que estamos aprendiendo mucho de este incidente”, dijo Caccamo.

La artista de 69 años que vive en la ciudad desde que tenía 12 años, agradeció al ayuntamiento por permitir que los artistas locales se involucraran en el proceso de diseño.

“He visto todas las presentaciones y había muchos diseños realmente buenos, y es un verdadero honor para mí haber sido elegido entre ellos”, dijo Caccamo, un diseñador gráfico profesional que creció en un familia de artistas.

Visalia City Council voted to select Logo #59 as the newest City logo on Monday, July 15. The city council will formally unveil it at its Aug. 5 meeting.
Visalia City Council voted to select Logo #59 as the newest City logo on Monday, July 15. The city council will formally unveil it at its Aug. 5 meeting.

En la obra ganadora, el icónico Teatro Fox se eleva sobre un edificio más pequeño y una tierra de cultivo frente a Sierra Nevada y el sol naciente.

Al crear el logotipo, Caccamo dijo que esperaba que cumpliera con los requisitos de la ciudad y la “necesidad de un logotipo nuevo, contemporáneo y versátil” para reemplazar el logotipo de “Breaking Through the V”.

El nuevo logotipo se utilizará junto con el logotipo heredado de la ciudad desde 1998.

La ciudad había gastado $150,000 en dos paquetes diferentes: $75,000 para marketing de recursos humanos y cambio de marca y $75,000 para la actualización de la marca de la ciudad que incluía el logotipo minimalista “Breaking Through the V” y 1,500 activos diferentes, dijo Mackey.

Local artist Lori Caccamo (right), the designer behind the City of Visalia’s new logo, received a special recognition Monday, (Aug. 5) night by city council that comes with a $1,500 prize.
Local artist Lori Caccamo (right), the designer behind the City of Visalia’s new logo, received a special recognition Monday, (Aug. 5) night by city council that comes with a $1,500 prize.

Logo saga in Visalia ends with selection of local artist’s entry. ‘We’ve learned a lot’

Local artist Lori Caccamo, the designer behind the City of Visalia’s new logo, received a special recognition Monday night by the city council that comes with a $1,500 prize.

“We want to say thank you for this great piece of art,” said Mayor Brian Poochigian during the recognition ceremony.

Poochigian added that Caccamo and her logo are now part of Visalia history.

Caccamo’s design was chosen unanimously by the council July 15 out of five logo finalists.

The committee decided on entries No. 7, 34, 35, 56 and 59 at a Monday meeting, and stuck with those five on Wednesday. Public comment will be from July 15 through 5 p.m. on July 26.
The committee decided on entries No. 7, 34, 35, 56 and 59 at a Monday meeting, and stuck with those five on Wednesday. Public comment will be from July 15 through 5 p.m. on July 26.

City spokesperson Allison M. Mackey said

the city will provide Caccamo with the monetary prize this week.

Monday’s recognition of Caccamo ends a two-month saga after a social media outcry over a minimalist design forced the council to organize a community art contest that drew 87 entries. Each was assigned a number for submitters’ names to remain anonymous during the logo redesign process.

Due to the negativity and hate because of the logo controversy, the council gave the artist the option if they wanted to remain anonymous to protect the artist’s safety and privacy.

Local artist Lori Caccamo (third from right), the designer behind the City of Visalia’s new logo, received a special recognition Monday night by city council.
Local artist Lori Caccamo (third from right), the designer behind the City of Visalia’s new logo, received a special recognition Monday night by city council.

Caccamo said she didn’t want to remain anonymous.

“For the people that are angry ... it’s a little disappointing, but I think we’ve learned a lot — I think we’re learning a lot from this incident,” Caccamo said.

The 69-year-old artist who has lived in the city since she was 12 years old, thanked the council for allowing local artists to be involved in the design process.

“I have seen all the submissions, and there were a lot of really good designs, and it’s really honors me that I’ve been chosen from among them,” said Caccamo, a professional graphic designer who grew up in a family of artists.

Visalia City Council voted to select Logo #59 as the newest City logo on Monday, July 15. The city council will formally unveil it at its Aug. 5 meeting.
Visalia City Council voted to select Logo #59 as the newest City logo on Monday, July 15. The city council will formally unveil it at its Aug. 5 meeting.

In the winning entry the iconic Fox Theatre towers over a smaller building and farmland in front of the Sierra Nevada and rising sun.

When creating the logo, Caccamo said she hoped it would meet the city’s requirements and the “need for a new, contemporary, versatile” logo to replace the “Breaking Through the V” logo.

The new logo will be used alongside the city’s legacy logo from 1998.

The city had spent $150,000 in two different packages — $75,000 for human resources marketing and rebranding and $75,000 for the city’s brand refresh that included the minimalist “Breaking Through the V” logo and 1,500 different assets, said Mackey.

The City of Visalia’s new minimalist logo (on the right) not only has received push back from the community, but the controversy has even received international attention placing Visalia on the map, but not for the right reasons. 
The City of Visalia’s new minimalist logo (on the right) not only has received push back from the community, but the controversy has even received international attention placing Visalia on the map, but not for the right reasons.
Local artist Lori Caccamo, the designer behind the City of Visalia’s new logo, received a special recognition Monday, (Aug. 5) night by city council that comes with a $1,500 prize.
Local artist Lori Caccamo, the designer behind the City of Visalia’s new logo, received a special recognition Monday, (Aug. 5) night by city council that comes with a $1,500 prize.
Local artist Lori Caccamo, the designer behind the City of Visalia’s new logo, received a special recognition Monday, (Aug. 5) night by city council that comes with a $1,500 prize.
Local artist Lori Caccamo, the designer behind the City of Visalia’s new logo, received a special recognition Monday, (Aug. 5) night by city council that comes with a $1,500 prize.
Local artist Lori Caccamo, the designer behind the City of Visalia’s new logo, received a special recognition Monday, (Aug. 5) night by city council that comes with a $1,500 prize.
Local artist Lori Caccamo, the designer behind the City of Visalia’s new logo, received a special recognition Monday, (Aug. 5) night by city council that comes with a $1,500 prize.